Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My Aunt

I am re-posting this as I am watching Primetime on ABC. They are recounting the life of Randy Pausch who died of Pancreatic Cancer. This is the same disease that took my Aunt. I am thankful that medicine has progressed in such a way that a 4 months to live diagnosis does not mean it will be. Her Dr.'s diagnosis was right on the money, but he lived. And hope that eventually it will be another cancer that people can survive.

On Friday April 14, 1995 I lost one the most important, influential and loving persons in my life. My Aunt Dorothy Lumpkin Weir. She died of Pancreatic Cancer. A cancer at that time killed everyone. I can remember the conversation she had with my father, her brother and she said "Jack, it's not good." I was sitting on my mom's lap. That was about a month 2 months before she passed.

I had recently went through reconstructive surgery on my shoulder in March and honestly did not believe she would die or leave me. I didn't die during the surgery so why should she die? I knew my Aunt. The woman who I wanted to be, the woman who taught me the art of cooking, the woman who showed me what a strong proud Black woman was about, the woman who would come and get me and take me on trips to show me more than Athens, GA., telling me she was not going to survive this disease. She would not be there for my children. She would not help me shuffle through life. She would be gone.

The day I received the call that she was no longer talking, no longer recognizing her surroundings I wanted to be with her. I wanted to die with her. She was my everything. She represented everything to me. She was the only person I knew that my Father was scared of, the person who was regarded as an authority. She had love. She represented love. She provided me the opportunity for me to be. Without question. She loved me. Unconditional. She loved me.

I spent her last with her. She could no longer speak. She could grunt and she held my hand and my brother's hand. He could not handle her state. But I wanted to be there. Her boyfriend of 25 years or so said she was waiting for me and I felt it. She as able to grip my hand and hold it tight. She told me so much in her grip as loose and firm as it was. I knew I was her light. Her nickname for me was "Lil' Heifer." It might sound demeaning or condescending but it was her name for me. I was always full of something. Had an opinion or thought about something. I knew I would be her Heifer for the rest of my life. She was bold, she was cunning, she grew hybrid Roses in her yard, she had an old old's named Betsy that I loved taking trips in. She was my everything.

I know it might seem strange, but when I am going through hard times, moments when I feel as if I cannot go on I dream and I see her. She comes to me. She talks with me. And she hugs me. I can feel her hug. Her smell. The woman she was before cancer. And she reassures me that it will be OK. That life will go on. I look for and cherish the love I receive from her in my dreams. She was a remarkable woman. The world was cheated when she left us in 1995. I need her now as I did in the past.
I Love YOU

TMI Tuesday

Here it goes....!

This is a tribute to the late great George Carlin.

1. What is your language pet peeve. (example 'hot water heater', why would you heat hot water)
When people use prepositions at the end of a sentence. Whether written or spoken. Irks the crap out of me! (But I am not always dilligent with myself so don't go looking for it!)

2. What is your favorite word? Both dirty and clean?
Dirty:When I was younger my cousins & older brother taught me all the curse words. I use to sing them in a song...."Gotdamnmuthafucashitshit" I still love them all! My Mom use to hear me sing it all the time but in my little girls voice (probably around 5 yrs. old) she had no clue what I was saying! I told her later in life. LOL!!
Clean:Whatever. Said when you say something totally ridiculous!

3. What is the one word you cannot spell?
Um...that's what spell check is for. But I always have issues with convienence....too many "e's"

4. What is the one word you always pronounce wrong?
There isn't one word. If I am tired, my tongue gets very heavy. (That sounds wrong)

5. If you could erase one popular catchphrase from the english language, what would it be?
"Yeah, that's what's up"

Bonus (as in optional): The late, and very hot Michael Hutchence (INXS) once sang, "Words are weapons, sharper than knives" . What is the most hurtful thing you have ever said to anyone? Was it deliberate or accidental? What was the most hurtful thing ever said to you? Do you think it was deliberate or accidental?
I cannot repeat those words...but nothing about it was accidental.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Another MEME about The Moody Gemini

Ten random things about me...
10. I am a crier. Commercials, movies, witnessing people be mistreated...I will cry
9. I am a trained calligraphy artist
8. I survived an attack
7. A former 911 operator
6. Shy
5. I am tired of the party scene
4. Ready for a relationship...any takers?...do you know anyone?
3. Always worked in state or local government...no one else wants to hire me!
2. Middle child with Older child tendencies
1. A loner

Nine ways to win my heart...
9. Show me kindness
8. Do unexpected gestures
7. Listen...listen...listen....listen
6. Want me in your life
5. Have a close connection to people in your life whether it is family or friends
4. Always seek to improve
3. Keep the romance alive
2. Understand my need for space
1. Know that my love is unconditional

Eight things I want to do before I die...
8. Marriage
7. Children
6. Finish MA degree
5. Own my own home
4. Buy a house on a beach or lake...near H2o
3. Complete my research on my family
2. Own a bookstore
1. Have no debt (besides student loans because they are going to be there until I die...LOL)

Seven ways to annoy me...
7. Tell unnecessary lies
6. Be inconsistent
5. Don't respect me
4. Ignore your own needed self-improvement
3. Pick me up for a date and have NO plan, NO ideas
2. People who always say "whatever you want" or "I don't know" when asked a question...
1. Don't listen

Six things I believe in...
6. A Higher Power
5. Positive Thoughts = Positive Results
4. Karma
3. Myself
2. Time waits for no one
1. Never have regrets

Five things I am afraid of... (I like to say have a healthy respect for)
5. Horses
4. Failing
3. Disappointment
2. Never finding my dream job
1. Never learning how to let go

Four of my favorite things...
4. Books
3. Calligraphy pens
2. Guinness Draught
1. Office supply stores

Three things I do everyday...
3. Drink H2o
2. Walk the dog
1. Read

One person I wanna see right now....
1. Dorothy Louise Lumpkin Wier

Quote of the Day

Say little, and love much; give all; judge no man; aspire to all that is pure and good. ~ White Eagle

Saturday, July 26, 2008

My Weekend with Buddha!!

I was blessed to keep my nephew Buddha this past weekend. It was heaven. & once again awakened my want to have a child...not right now! LOL

Here are a feel snaps of me loving him & him loving me! & others of him in Savannah & @ home...

@ Piedmont Park

His Mommie kissing him Goodbye

Notice that his head is @ the seat of the futon & legs against the back!

Fighting sleep...

@ Piedmont Park

in Savannah...how cool is he?

Waiting to get into my Apt.

Saturday Morning Recap 07/19 - 07/25/2008

I Pray That This Child Does NOT Remember THIS!!!!

Are you a Teacher? Materials on the low here!

Bike Riding While Black

Black Girls Reaching Puberty TOO SOON

Friday, July 25, 2008

Quote of the Day

We are all here for a spell; get all the good laughs you can. ~ Will Rogers

Thursday, July 24, 2008

My Random Thoughts....

^ How long has it been since I have seen a Mom sitting with her child as he reads?

^ I am so tired of sleeping alone.

^ I sometimes think there is a lot of freedom in being crazy. People leave you alone & allow you to talk to the people in your head.

^ Seriously - Seriously, your pants fastening below your butt is not a good look. It really isn't.

^ I really believe men are moodier than women. Truly I do.

^ I wish I was that type of person who can use people for what they want. I really want a new smart-phone. NOW.

^ Giving me your phone # while there is a female in the car is not a good look.

^ If 1 more person comments on my weight...I will bitch slap you....fair warning.

^ Do you ever think blog-sphere is recreating your high school years?

^ ATL is full of Real Estate Agents trying to sell you a house. & they are clueless of the Webster dictionary definition of the word NO.

Quote of the Day

You have got to discover you, what you do, and trust it. ~ Barbara Streisand

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Quote of the Day

Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you. Love me and I may be forced to love you. ~ William Arthur Ward

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

TMI Tuesday

Sorry...no TMI Tuesday...

I am a Southern Girl...we don't discuss our ******

1. Are your farts;a. Silent but deadlyb. All sound, no furyc. Loud and stinky

2. Have you ever farted in front of a lover? Who was the 1st one to do it? How did they or you handle it.

3. Have you ever farted and tried to blame someone else? Who and did you get away with it?

4. What food triggers you?

5. Varts (Vaginal Farts) Scary, or an indication of a good time being had by all?

Bonus (as in optional): When you do fart with someone in your bed, do you cover their head with the sheet and hold them under?

Life After Addiction...1 Story Out of Millions

What if I told you I was a fat thug who beat up women and sold bad coke? Now what if I said that I was a recovered crack addict who got custody of my twin girls, got us off welfare and raised them? Both are the story of my life.

read more digg story

Quote of the Day

What people say, what people do, and what they say they do are entirely different things. ~ Maragret Mead

Monday, July 21, 2008

What do YOU Think?

Fonzworth Bentley's new single...

Have you checked out his take on Monique's Charm School? Here is the link. I hope he can help these men, because they are a fraction of the reason I stopped dating.


Unemployment Extended

Quote of the Day

Become a student of change. It is the only thing that will remain constant. ~ Anthony J. D'Angelo

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Tell Me What YOU Think?!

Ok...I write all the time. Just don't share. Blame it on the wrong set of friends & family. Not the most encouraging atmosphere. So I am putting this out here in blogsphere....(notice my copyright)

Please give me your honest feedback. Want to know that I have something...
Swirling the cold drink in my hand, staring down at the condensation dripping
from the sides, I wonder what the hell I am doing here. An upstanding, gainfully employed thirty-something woman does not go to a bar on a Tuesday afternoon and drown her sorrows. No, that person would be out visiting friends, attending meetings, you know keeping her “it” from stinking. However, this sister is not doing that. Nope, I am here on a Tuesday afternoon in BJ’s trying to see how many drinks I have to down to make the world start spinning. Not that it is not spinning on its own axis, but I want to test the theory and see if I can do it all by myself. It’s 3.15 in the afternoon and I am on my third vodka tonic. Nice, huh? I am thinking maybe two more and I will have enough data to test my theory and the world will indeed start spinning all because of me.
When I woke up this morning, dressed, walked the dog and hurried to work I did not have the insight that I would be planted at BJ’s before 7.30 pm. Normally, I meet up with friends for a quick drink and bite of food before going home to work on the work that always follows me although I put an average of 10 ½ hours a day at work. Today is a new day. I am here at BJ’s it’s now 3.20 and I am feeling the rush that only can be found in a bottle of Belvedere Vodka. Like I said, my morning did not start out with this stop on my task list.
When we get to that age where reflection is a common as gas and arthritis, we want to recall a life of vacations, love, family and friends, a rewarding job and all that goes along with the American way. No one wants to have memories of regret, you know the coulda, woulda, shoulda’s that many experience. After today I can say that my dream of telling Michael Mondine what he could kiss, how I wanted it to be kissed and the exact place in hell I wanted him to go will not fall into a regret category. Since August 2000 when I joined the consulting firm of Mathews, Mondine & Spheres I have had this insatiable urge to grab Mondine by the neck, sink my nails into his flesh and have him beg for mercy. Of course those hallucinations occurred in a foreshadowing a la Ally McBeal moment, but it was a consistent and present thought almost every day of my life with MM&S. After five years of smiling, grunting and completely suppressing my character I stood up in the middle of our staff meeting and belted out words that I only heard my Mom say on her worst days. The shocked pale faces of my co-workers were enough to keep my engine roaring. During my tenure at MM&S I have always been the quintessential African-American female employee. A smile on my face. Always a kind word. Eager to help any and all employees to complete their work because after all we love our company. However, today, January 18, 2005, it hit the fan and I made no attempt to stop the spinning. Which leads me to BJ’s and my vodka tonic. I probably should order food to counteract the effects of the alcohol, but when you are reaching for that low of lows you do not want to do anything to stop the flow. Glancing around I see that I am not the only one who took Tuesday as a day of rest as I see some of the regulars from the 8 o’clock rush. That leads me to think are they really getting off work when I walk in at eight or have they been here all day nursing a drink? Moreover, are they having the same thought about me? God, please don’t let them think I am a lush. Everyone has a bad day and after the words I threw at Mondine I should never worry about what someone says about me because they will probably be right. With that thought I throw back the rest of my vodka tonic and search for my waitress, Sheliah. Common sense just might be kicking, or the growl my stomach, either way food is what I am craving. I flag Sheliah down to order my grilled salmon salad and my other life starts ringing. Knowing it can only be Cass on the line I send up a quick prayer, take a deep breath and put on the voice I use everyday at MM&S.
“Hello, this is Bet”
“Don’t ‘hello, this is Bet’ me! What on earth, on God’s green earth possessed you to show your natural, pale, mole covered ass today? And I want a good answer.”
“How do you know what my butt looks like?” I reply.
“Don’t answer a question with a question. And I know because I have witnessed you prance around your apartment without a tinge of shame.
Now, what in the hell happened?”
“Honestly, Cass, I have no idea. I guess I just got sick and tired. Mondine has rubbed me, literally, the wrong way since I started and the thought of him doing it one more day; one more time was too much. I have been stressed from the new accounts thrown at me since John left and add on the family muck I have to contend with everyday…I am just tired.”
“Bet, I understand. Truly, I understand. But honey, you know that is not the way to handle that man. Let’s not forget his name IS our company. I wish you would have talked with me about your issues.”
“I know.”
“But that’s the least of your worries.”
Hesitant to know what could be worse than cursing out your boss I finally ask, “What else could go wrong?”
“Girl, I think you turned the fire up on Mondine! When you left his eyes never left the door. And not the type of look that says I am firing her ASAP. No, this was a look of pure unadulterated lust.
It was like you poured three gallons of fuel on an already lit fire!” she laughed.
Is she laughing? I know she is not laughing. “I know you are not laughing?! This is not funny. Nowhere in the world would this be funny. You are telling me that this man, and I use that term very loosely, is more turned on now than before I told him to kiss my ass? Please tell me that is not what you are saying.”
“I would not lie. At least not about this. That man is still after you. He cornered me after the meeting asking more questions about you. You would think he would get the hint after all the times you have turned him down. Evidently he likes rejection or is it he likes the look of you leaving him. Regardless, he wants me to arrange a meeting.”
“A meeting? You mean a date. And you being my tightest girl since high school said?” I threw in the tight girl remark in hopes of forcing the truth out. Cass had a tendency to withhold when she knew I was pissed. Like now. I heard a sharp intake of air.
“Ok… I did not arrange a meeting. I did not arrange a date. I did NOT arrange anything. I know you did not try me like that? Tight girl? What I told Mondine is that you obviously are not interested in him and have reminded him of this fact on numerous of occasions. I also pointed out the clause in our contracts outlawing relationships between employees, and the most obvious reason – he is your boss! I suggested he try a dating service. And I cannot believe you tried me!!!!” All of this was said with intake of breath I heard. She had to have had one of the best set of lungs in the world. Especially if she was miffed with you, like she is with me now.
“Thanks girl, I knew you had my back.”
“Anytime. Where are you?”
“At BJ’s testing a new theory.”
“Huh? Never mind I am on the way.”
I settled back in my chair and begin eating the salad Sheliah brought while I was talking with Cass. It seems to be helping with the effects of the alcohol. Feels like I can go another three rounds or so. By the time Cass gets here I will be on drink number seven; the girl has no sense of time. Although the bar is only 10 minutes from the office I am guaranteed it will take her about 45 minutes to get here. Who knows how she and I have remained close through the years, me an always earlier, takes 20 minutes to get myself together and Cass – an hour and a half to put on t-shirt and jeans. Yet here we are ten years later, still friends. Seeing us together is witnessing night and day at the same time. Cass is tall, slim and works out seven days a week and trust me it shows, if I could have her calves! With a body like hers you would think she would flaunt it, but not Ms. Cass, preppy black girl in the flesh. I on the other hand, short – on a good day I am 5’6, and that’s with my three inch BCBG’s. I work out when size four starts fitting like a size one. And I flaunt it. Not in the video vixen way, but I will show off the genetics I was so blessed with and I will express myself with my wardrobe. One look at me and you know what mood I am without doubt.

Excuse the formatting...Probably won't bother many, but I am an English graduate...that crap was ingrained in me so I have issues with formatting properly. Trying to overcome.

ESPY Awards

As many of you know I am an avid sports fan. Haven't found one I don't like. So I am sitting here watching the ESPY awards & loving that this year's Arthur Ashe Award goes to Tommie Smith & John Carlos. Many remember the picture. The shot that made history & shocked the world.

Congratulations to these men...Tommie Smith & John Carlos for their stance & win.

(If a video becomes available with the tribute I will repost.)

Quote of the Day

While we have the gift of life, it seems to me that only tragedy is to allow part of us to die - whether it is our spirit, our creativity, or our glorious uniqueness. ~ Gilda Radner

Friday, July 18, 2008

Quote of the Day

When I'm not doing something that comes deeply from me, I get bored. When I get bored I get distracted and when I get distracted, I become depressed. It's a natural resistance, and it insures your integrity. ~ Maria Irene Fornes

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Quote of the Day

The mind that is wise mourns less for what age takes away; than what it leaves behind. ~ William Wordsmith

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Mississippi casinos got items meant for Katrina victims

The agency that regulates Mississippi's casinos got pillows, stoves, dinnerware and other items that were originally meant for Hurricane Katrina victims, according to state records obtained by CNN.

read more digg story

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I Bit the Bullet

I follow Lola & have often laughed out loud with her TMI Tuesdays! So I decided to try my hand @ it. I can't promise a devotion. My only hope is that it makes me look @ myself more.


1. What were you known as in HS (Jock, Princess, Geek)
Honestly, I have no idea. I was in all these special classes for smart people. Only 1 of 3 blacks in the classes throughout my 4 years. They were basically the same people I went to school with since kindergarten. I was a jock...gymnast for 16 yrs. & cheerleader. Smart ass all get up. Princess because of my family. Can I just say I never liked high school?

2. What were you really?
A shy, misunderstood, in pain, geek, overachiever in some aspects & underachiever in others. Really hated high school. Would never go back.

3. If you could go back and tell your 16 year old self one thing, what would it be?
Let it go. You can't control the people in your life. Change how you react.

4. If you could erase one moment from your school days what would it be?
I couldn't & wouldn't erase a thing. I am the wonderful person I am today. I just never would go back.

5. Who did you not date (or more) that you wish you did?
I dated who I wanted to. Never a doubt in that.

Bonus (as in optional): If you went to prom, describe your outfit.
I went to both Proms alone. & enjoyed myself. I received the customary "I thought someone asked you!" (That was because of the people I dated. They made sure I was off limits.) The 1st prom I wore a sweetheart-top of white, sand & blue sequin top with a Marilyn Monroe-esque skirt. Really cute. I borrowed the top from 1 of my great-aunts & my Aunt Dorothy made the skirt. My 2nd prom I wore a sequined blue fish dress. I looked like a ocean view. I also wore it in Beauty Review.---Think Homecoming in the Spring.

Quote of the Day

When we seek for connection, we restore the world to wholeness. Our seemingly separate lives become meaningful as we discover how truly necessary we are to each other. ~ Margaret Wheatley

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Quote of the Day

Don't bunt. Aim out of the ball park. Aim for the company of immortals. ~ David Ogilvy

Friday, July 11, 2008


Check out my Daddy at this link!

My Randon Thoughts...

^Being nice & courteous to people does not take away from your paycheck. Try it sometimes. It makes the world better.

^I now have a bootleg laptop. Platinum decided to lay her fat, overweight, lazy behind on it and broke a key. Only b/c the Doggy police would come after me did I not beat her like I wanted to.

^Since I have removed myself from certain friends & family that disrupted my spirit I am really loving, enjoying, & relishing my friends that came forward. Their light shines so much brighter.

^I have a job! Did I mention that? I still need a part-time gig b/c the state don't pay. Does anyone know of any?

^What is up with these college athletes being charged with rape? Honestly, my crew use to consist of mainly jocks & former jocks and they were a mess. Is it b/c a lot are finally getting caught or these girls are wising up & saying you know what...this shit is not right?

^I refrained from commenting on the Supreme Courts ruling on guns b/c I did not understand a lot of the outrage. I am a gun owner. Licensed. Been shooting @ a range since I was 4. I am not afraid of the licensed people carrying guns around. The average gun owner who has that natural fear & understanding of gun usage will not be crazy with it. The person I worry about is the one who picks one up on the street with no knowledge of guns besides how to pull the trigger, a hot temper, nothing to live for, a beef w/ someone or just those crazy mf's out there. That's who you should fear. News report after news report had licensed people saying - no I will not take it on the train, bus or in a restaurant, but I will shoot you if you step into my house. That's me. Sorry if you don't agree with me.

^I am helping you file for unemployment. No when I finish you cannot take me to lunch. Remember you were laid off?

^One day I am going to stop my past hurts from manifesting in my today.

^Am I really ready for a relationship? I think I am scared to death!

^I told 1 of my guy friends about a semi-cry I had over a movie & his response---"Damn girl you are showing your soft side I might have to date you!" What the hell? Am I too hard for a guy to date?

^Is it wrong to remain friends w/ all of your ex's? Even the ones that completely destroyed your heart?

^I still have Parent issues.

^Being unemployed for 1 yr. has taught me a lot. I will share one day.

^I loved it when my Buddha (Cameron) crawled off his Mommie & came crawling to me mad & crying because I was leaving the room. And then sighed when I picked him up. That's love. It feels great.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Quote of the Day

All of us, at certain moments of our lives, need to take advice and to receive help from other people. ~ Alexis Carrel

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A......Z About Me

I stole this from Lola!

It is a easy (read: lazy) way to tell you more about me!


A is for your age:32....Lawd how did I get here?

B is for your burger of choice:So many...last greatest...Einstein's on Juniper.

C is for the car that you drive:Ford Mustang. His name is Forrest...Run Forrest Run

D is for dog’s name:Platinum

E is for an essential item you use each day:Toothbrush

F is for your favorite television show:Any Law & Order

G is for favorite game:Mah Jong.

H is for hometown:Athens, GA.

I is for instruments played:Never had an opportunity. Gymnastics took up my life.

J is for favorite juice:Apple. I pulled an Eve a la Barbershop on day!

K is for what you’d like to kick:The economy...is that possible?

L is for last restaurant you dined at:Harry Bissett's. If you are ever in Athens, GA it is a MUST!

M is for your favorite Muppet:The old men in the balcony.

N is for number of piercings you have:3, but wanting more.

O is for overnight hospital stays:Check out the letter X & let me know what you think!?

P is for people you were with today:The grand people who are unemployed and looking for their unemployment check! & Platinum.

Q is for what you do in quiet times:Read while marinating in the tub.

R is for regrets:Not a one!

S is for status:The girl next door...

T is for time you woke up today:6:20 AM

U is for what you consider unique:My caring spirit

V is for favorite vegetable:Spinach...I am Popeye the Sailor Man! (It came on this weekend, did you watch it?)

W is for your worst habit:Ignoring people

X is for x-rays you have had:Countless...head (6 concussions), shoulder (2 reconstructive surgeries, foot (broke), knee (needs surgery), stomach area (accidents)...yeah I am a mess

Y is for yummy food you ate today:Mickey D's Hot French Fries

Z is for zodiac sign: Gemini Baby!!

Quote of the Day

You don’t mess with a man’s money; you don’t mess with a man’s woman; you don’t mess with a man’s family or has manhood—these were a man’s principle. ~ Claude Brown

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Good Laugh

I was on the phone with my Mom catching up on my day. I talk to her about 3x a day. I know that's a lot. But she is my Mom.

So she is using the bathroom. (Don't act like you don't talk while using.) And she yells, "Your Daddy!"

I could only image what he did now.

You have to understand who he is a person. He is great @ his job. He is great in public. But when it comes to home & house...he sucks. Big time. He never learned the skills. (I blame his Mom.)

Apparently they went to Sam's today. 1 of 2 stores he graces with his presence. The other is Sears. I know...what era is he from? (To give you a clue...it took years for us to convince him he could wear tennis shoes when it rained. His dad told him you couldn't. Mind you his father was born in 1889 & they only had canvas back then so of course canvas shoes in rain did not work. Imagine my embarrassment that he would wear his police patent leather shoes with jogging suits. Of course he had on his black suit socks. LOL)

So Moms is using the bathroom & discovers that he bought Members Mark toilet paper! She screams...

"We only buy Charmin! I only use Charmin! I am not using this! Where is my Charmin?"

Then I hear her rummaging around looking for her toilet tissue.

"I am going to hide my rolls. He will not use my rolls of Charmin. I can't believe he did not buy Charmin. That's what I get for not paying attention to what he put in the cart!"

Moms is pissed. Women know how much toilet paper means. It is the difference between a soothing wipe and a what the hell did I just use moment!

It had me rolling. Because although my parents have been together since they were in the 8th grade they still do things to each other that blows their minds.

I guess the saying is true you are always learning new things about people you thought you knew!

FDA Issues Warning on Cipro and Similar Antibiotics

Federal drug safety officials have imposed the government's most urgent warning on Cipro and similar antibiotics, citing risks that they can cause tendon ruptures, a serious injury that leaves some patients incapacitated.

read more | digg story

Quote of the Day

Nothing is predestined. The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings. ~ Ralph Blum

Monday, July 7, 2008

Update on the Moody....

Ok...So I need to update my life for you...

Of course I have been to Hawaii which was on my list to complete in 1001 days. Everyone keeps asking me how was Hawaii? And to be honest it was great. But it really wasn't about Hawaii. It was about Chase Taylor. My baby cousin (10 yrs. younger). It was about seeing him before his 4th tour overseas...Iraq for the 3rd time. Afghanistan once. It was about loving him and bringing him closer to our family. (For whatever reason his Mom is crazy is not as welcoming to our family.) It was awesome to see him & experience his maturity. He is a good man. And I don't say that because he has my blood. He just is.

I have a job! Yes Lawd!! I didn't want to write about it until I actually walked in and worked a couple of days. Being unemployed for a year brings about a fear of you are not employable. Something is wrong with you. It's never going to happen. But it happened. & while it is not my dream job, it is a paycheck. And I am grateful & proud to have a job. I am back with a company I worked for a couple years back. Ironic that it is in unemployment. I enjoy it because I like telling the clients you are not alone. I have gone through it. One thing I remember from my past experience with this company is how co-workers were mean & uncaring with the clients. I could never understand it. Everyone is one day away from unemployment. & if you don't believe that then you are a fool. Being kind not only allows sunshine to come into your life, you brighten someone else's life. And there is nothing greater than that.

****Alert II****
I believe I am ready to start dating again. It has been a year or more since I dated. Really dated. I have had a couple of outings over the year but I knew in my heart I was not open to the possibility. But over the last couple of days I have had a want to have someone in my life. Not a sex thing. A companion. A man in my life who looks forward to my phone calls. To my laughter. To my sarcastic humor. To my off the wall music & comments. To my loving spirit that is welcoming another spirit in my life. I am ready. Wish me luck.

There is a lot more I would like to say but I spent the weekend vomiting after catching a bug from my niece & nephews. Yeah the whole crew had the bug...

I need sleep....

Later people

Quote of the Day

Treasure your relationships, not your possessions. ~ Anthony J. D'Angelo

6 Sex Mistakes Men Make

6 Sex Mistakes Men Make
WebMD offers experts' sex tips for men who have sex with women.
By Martin F. DownsWebMD Feature
Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD

Hey guys, think you know everything there is to know about having sex with women? That erotic encyclopedia you carry around in your head may contain a lot of basic errors and omissions about women's sexuality -- errors that can lead to sex mistakes.

That's because -- after learning the facts of life -- most of us are left to figure out sex for ourselves. Guys tend to take a lot of cues from adult movies, and we all know how true-to-life those are. Experience may help, but many women can be shy when talking about what they like.

To help us with some sex tips, WebMD asked two acclaimed sex educators, Tristan Taormino and Lou Paget, to tell us what they think are the most common sex mistakes men make with women.

Taormino is a prolific author, lecturer, and video producer. Her latest project is the Expert Guide educational video series from Vivid Ed.

Paget is author of The Great Lover Playbook and other sex manuals, and she gives seminars nationwide.

Sex Mistake No.1: You Know What She Wants
Men often make assumptions about what a woman wants based upon what they've done with other women. But women aren't all the same.

"You develop a repertoire as you mature sexually, but you should never assume that what worked for the last person is going to work for this person," Taormino says.

That applies not only to sexual predilections, but also to relationships, she says. "There are women who can have no-strings-attached sex, and women who can get attached very easily, and then everyone in between."

Sex Mistake No. 2: You Have All She Needs
Some women can't have an orgasm with less than 3,000 rpm. No human tongue or fingers can generate that kind of vibration. But men typically think something is wrong if a woman needs a vibrator.

"If the only way that a woman can achieve orgasm is with a vibrator, she's not broken," Taormino says.

Think of a vibrator as your assistant, not your substitute. Many couples use vibrators together. "While you're doing one thing, or two things, the vibrator can be doing something else," Taormino says.

Sex Mistake No. 3: Sex Feels the Same for Men and Women
Paget says there tends to be a "huge disconnect" between men and women in the ways that sex feels good.

"When a man has intercourse with a woman, and his penis goes into her body, that sensation is so off the charts for most men, they cannot imagine that it isn't feeling the same way for her," Paget says. "It couldn't be further from the truth."

The inside of the vagina is probably less sensitive than the outer parts for most women. Also, deep thrusting may not feel so nice on the receiving end. If the penis is too long, "it feels like you're getting punched in the stomach," Paget says. "It makes you feel nauseous."

Sex Mistake No. 4: You Know Your Way Around a Woman's Anatomy
Most guys know generally what a clitoris is and where to find it. That's not to say that they really understand it.

More than 30 years ago, at the start of the "sexual revolution," a best-selling book called the Joy

of Sex got Americans hip to the orgasmic importance of the clitoris. But the belief that women must be able to orgasm from vaginal penetration stubbornly persists.

"I still get letters from people who say things like, my wife can't [orgasm] from intercourse unless she has clitoral stimulation -- please help," Taormino says. "I want to write back and say, 'OK, what's the problem?'"
"For the majority of women, it's not going to happen that way," Paget says.

Men also lack information about how to touch it and how sensitive it is, Taormino says.

A touch that's bliss for one woman may feel like nothing special, or may even be painful for someone else. Some prefer indirect stimulation.

How can you find out how she likes to be touched? Try asking her.

Sex Mistake No. 5: Wet = Turned On
Guys sometimes get hung up if a woman doesn't get slippery enough for easy penetration. Don't worry about it.

"I think there's a myth that if you're turned on, you're wet," Taormino says. Not necessarily.
Some women tend to get wetter than others, and how much natural lubrication a woman has can change from day to day. It varies by the phase of her menstrual cycle, and it's subject to influences like stress and medications.

Sex Mistake No. 6: Silence Is Golden
A lot of guys think they should be silent during sex, but unless you speak up, your partner has to guess what's doing it for you and what isn't.

If you're respectful about it, a woman who wants to please you will probably appreciate some directions.

"I'm not saying push her head in your lap," Taormino says. "I think that, 'this is how I like it,' is a very useful conversation to have."

View Article Sources
Tristan Taormino, sex educator; producer, Expert Guide video series.
Lou Paget, sex educator; author, The Great Lover Playbook.
Schober, J. BJU International, September 2004; vol 94: pp 589-594.
Mayo Clinic.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Quote of the Day

"You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try." ~ Beverly Sills

Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Blanks

Whenever Ms. Behaving post her Fill-In the Blanks Fridays I always try to particpate b/c it makes me think about myself...here are my latest entries....

Please visit her site. And other site.

1. My closest friend would tell you that I'm giving, honest and loving.

2. When I was a child, I wanted to grow up to be an English Professor.

3. Something most people don't know about me is I am very shy & insecure.

4. If I could change the world, I would start with educating everyone because it makes the world better.

5. When I look in the mirror, I see a person searching for peace.

6. Unnecessary lies, laziness, excuses and ungratefulness are a few of my least favorite things.

7. If there were the slightest chance that they would come to be, the three wishes I would make are my family would let go of the b.s., I could find my soul mate and I would live up to my potential.

8. Words that best describe how I plan to or DID spend Independence Day are with my nephew Cameron, niece KK and nephew LaDarius, @ the pool baking and spending time with the man I love. Which ones do you think I did?

Saturday Morning Recap-Week 06/28-07/04/2008

Banished from 158 counties in GA

More than 1/2 of firearm deaths are Suicides

Baby cut from woman's womb

Grow Your Own Food

Moore's Ford Bridge Lynching Don't know about this lynching in 1946? Read more here. here. here.

I know GAS prices are RIDICULOUS...but really.....link

Quote of the Day

"Honesty is the best image." ~ Tom Wilson

Friday, July 4, 2008

The Luckiest Girl

One of the most remarkable of this year’s new college graduates, Beatrice Biira, credits her success to something utterly improbable: a goat.

read more | digg story

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Bozo the Clown has died.

Do you remember him?

I loved watching him & the games he played. Which is totally weird because I scared of clowns when they are in my space. Will run the other way. (But I collect porcelain clowns...I know I am so confused.)


Quote of the Day

"I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself." ~ Marlene Dietrich

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Tuskegee Airman~Lt. Col. Chuck Dryden

Lt. Col. Chuck Dryden died June 24, 2008 @ the age of 87.

Hundreds pay last respects to Tuskegee Airman


The Atlanta Journal-ConstitutionPublished on: 07/02/08

Hundreds gave Tuskegee Airman Lt. Col. Chuck Dryden a final send off into the heavens Tuesday.

Relatives, friends and other admirers gathered at Cascade United Methodist Church in southwest Atlanta to say their final goodbyes to the World War II fighter pilot who helped break down racial barriers in the U.S. military.


See this is why YOU have to be careful...Part II

I am so late with this news...but I have ask everyone to read this post at What About Our Daughters...

22 y.o. Black Woman to 11 year-old Black Girl Gang Raped By 20 Men and boys: "That girl, knew What She Was Doing"

No words...
No words...
No words...

See this is why YOU have to be careful...

This crap makes me sick. Really sick. Why would anyone do this to a child & why does it seem so cool to post crap on the tube like this? Do they really believe they are famous or making a name for themselves? I want to pimp slap this boy!

It also reminds you that even your family members are crazy & cannot keep your child. Dang. It's like we all have to stay @ home to raise our kids because people are just crazy!!!

Read below.


LEESBURG, Ga. -- A 16-year-old Lee County, Ga. boy remains in jail following the release of a video on YouTube that showed a flying baby.

A psychologist interviewed by NBC station WALB questioned the motives of the teen, saying his behavior was a quest for attention, and that YouTube gives teens the perfect opportunity for those seeking their 15 minutes of fame.

The teen's message on the video's YouTube page, according to the psychologist, supported that. The message said, "I know this is messed up, but the baby is okay."

The 8-month-old baby was shown flying through the air after the teen used a large inflatable pillow to launch the infant. The baby landed several feet away from the pillow, and could be heard crying in the video.

The baby was left in care of the family of the teen who shot the video. The local sheriff's office had received a call from a teacher who recognized the teen after being shown the video by another student.

Officials charged the teen, who was not identified due to his age, with cruelty to children.

The video has been removed from YouTube. The Lee County Sheriff's Office said they were waiting to hear from the baby's parents to see if the child was hurt in the incident.

(WALB Albany and The Associated Press contributed to this report.)

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Mitchell Bard: Clark Was Right on McCain, But Now We're Talk

"Well, I don't think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be president." Those are the words retired general Wesley Clark spoke about John McCain on CBS's Face the Nation that have caused an uproar in the latest instance of "gotcha" politics.

read more digg story

Quote of the Day

"Efficiency is intelligent laziness." ~ Anonymous